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Conners' Adult ADHD Rating Scales Self Report: Short Version - A Comprehensive Review of Its Feature


Second, we only used the CAARS short self-rating version. Applying the long self- and observer CAARS version would also have been interesting, as would using different diagnostic instruments (e.g. structured clinical interviews, objective tests, measures assessing comorbid disorders) have been2,12,16. Future studies should thus aim to include groups of patients with a range of different disorders and diagnostic measures to test differential diagnostic properties.

Later on, Mitchell et al. [25] tested the impact of MAP for adults with ADHD on symptoms, EF, and emotion dysregulation. Adults were stratified by ADHD medication status and then randomized into a group-based mindfulness treatment or waitlist group. The authors observed large effect sizes in improvement of self-reported and clinician ratings of ADHD symptoms (ESs ranging from 1.35 to 3.14) and EF (ESs ranging from 1.45 to 2.67) as well as self-reported emotion regulation (ESs ranging from 1.27 to 1.63), for the treatment group relative to the waitlist group. EF self-report scales included the DEFS [26] and the BRIEF-A [27], which consists of nine scales: Inhibit, Shift, Emotional Control, Self-Monitor, Initiate, WM, Plan/Organize, Task Monitor, and Organization of Materials. Emotion dysregulation was assessed by the DERS [28] and the DTS [29]. The DERS assesses how often emotionally dysregulated behavior occurs. Additional EF tasks were also administered: the ANT, the CPT [30] to measure response inhibition, the Digit Span Test [31] to measure WM, and the Trail Making Test to assess attentional set-shifting and inhibition.

Conners' Adult ADHD Rating Scales Self Report: Short Version ....pdf

Morgensterns et al. [42] also used DBT for adults with ADHD in an outpatient psychiatric context. The treatment uses elements such as acceptance, mindfulness, functional behavioral analysis, and psychoeducation to target problems common in ADHD. Self-rating scales were administered at baseline before the first session (T1), posttreatment (T2), and 3-month follow-up (T3). Self-rating of current ADHD symptoms was measured by the Current ADHD Symptom Scale-Self-Report Form [43] that contains three parts: (1) the symptoms for ADHD, (2) impairment in major life areas, and (3) symptoms of irritability and aggressiveness. Moreover, participants completed self-rating questionnaires for assessing symptoms of psychiatric comorbidity: the BDI and the BAI. The main results indicated that approximately 80% of the participants attended at least two-thirds of the sessions. ADHD symptoms (ES = 0.22) and functional impairment (ES = 0.15) in everyday life were reduced. The results were stable at 3-month follow-up. Variables such as age, comorbidity, ADHD medication status, and IQ level did not predict outcomes.

The short self-report (CAARS-S:S) and observer (CAARS-O:S) forms examine and highlight key dimensions, making them ideal when time with a respondent is limited. The short versions are also often used during treatment to track progress over time. They include abbreviated versions of the factor-derived subscales that are in the long versions. The ADHD Index and the Inconsistency Index are included as well. 2ff7e9595c


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